As members of the Body of Christ we need to respond to his leading in our lives to live in unity. the body does not consist of one member but of many.
If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body.
need to respond to his leading in our lives to live in unity. the body does not consist of one member but of many.
What has God called you to do? Has he made you a watchman?
The watchman sees the battle that is coming and warns the people so that they are able to run to safety.
They would sit on the walls of the city gates and call out with a shout if they saw the enemy coming.
Its not easy to trust people because we all have experienced circumstances in our lives in which we have been hurt at one point or another by people who we thought that we could trust but God promises that HE will never leave us or forsake us!
Many of you feel like your in the wilderness right now but I have good news for you sometimes you have to go through the wilderness to get to the mountain!
When you get to the place where you need to be the Lord will manifest in ways unusual!
When you are promoted and elevated into a position of authority your first priority must be to seek the Wisdom and Knowledge of God to know how to exercise and use the authority that has been given to you.
If you look at the life of Solomon. What happened?
This lesson is one all of you have no doubt read or studied about. Or like me, you know it backward and forward until the time comes to put it into practice.
It goes like this. You have a real need. You go to the source, Jesus Christ, to get an answer.
Jesus pointed out that our goal in life should not be to acquire an abundance of possessions but to become RICH in our relationship with God.
You may be facing some obstacles today which you think you will never be able to overcome.
So did Moses and the people of Israel.
We cannot get saved without believing that God is and will forgive us thru the finished work Jesus did thru His life, death & resurrection.
We cannot earn our salvation, it is a gift of God, we can only receive it by faith thru grace.
There are many who go to church today and they profess themselves to be christians and yet they disrespect their Pastors. If you cannot show respect to the woman or man of God placed over you that you can see then how can you expect to honor and serve a God that you cannot see?
Have you ever been given an IMPOSSIBLE assignment?
It happens to all of us on our jobs lately because of the economy. Employers are wanting their employees to do the work of two or three employees but still pay them what they would pay one worker.
Jesus told us that in this world we would not always have and easy life. Do we understand that to live above circumstances, we must be completely confident in God’s power and completely satisfied with God’s provision?
As Christians we don't often realize the power of the words that we speak out of our mouths. Our words have the power to create things in the atmosphere around us. They can create life or they can create death.
Do you want to know about a medicine that you can never overdose on? It is found in God's Word. In Proverbs 4:20-22 we’re told that God’s words are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh.
Jesus birth was so glorious in its wonder. The entire Old Testament is the story of God how prepared a body for Jesus.
The virgin Jesus birth was so glorious!
Teach me to know my real, true need.
Give me Your wisdom your will for me. If you have a real need.
You go to the source, Jesus Christ, to get an answer.
Have you ever contemplated that the God who made the world and everything in it created us to seek Him. He desired that we might feel after him within the inward depths of our heart and soul.
Jesus took upon himself our sicknesses and our sorrows on the cross. He knew that the healing that we needed was not only physical in our bodies but it was also emotional.
Jesus was our Immanuel he came to pay the price that we could not pay. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14
If you have been born again then you are no longer a stranger, but a fellow citizen with the saints and members of the household of God and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord
Peter is the one who taught us so much about living an over-coming life in Christ with faith in His promises..."as His diving power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue
Provisions Have Been Made
Too often we feel as though we must somehow find the acceptable combination of actions and ideals that will make us acceptable to God.
Not So! He has made all provisions for us in this life and the life to come!
Jesus is the true vine. No other person or idea should ever be allowed to take His place. Abiding in Him is not optional its a requirement for our survival.
He promises to give us life more abundantly as we abide in His word.
Without vital contact with God we are hopelessly lost and we live in gloom and impending doom.
What a contrast when we turn to God in full confession and repentance.
Light replaces the gloom and the Glory of God lifts the doom from our hearts.
Our life is tough enough so why should we allow they enemy to give us anger, fear and depression? We are not to allow our faith to be weakened by this spirit of heaviness. The Joy of the Lord is our strength!
I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
GOD created man to live in a GARDEN experience. One of JOY, PEACE, CONTENTMENT, STRENGTH, & UNITY. After the 'FALL' man lost their CALM JOY. But JESUS said: "I HAVE COME THAT YOU MAY HAVE LIFE AND LIFE ABUNDANT."
Many people hear the call of God which comes through His revelation of Himself but only the "few" will respond because they are the ones who are truly hearing.
Jesus was baptized as an example for us to follow. Our response to the message of the Gospel should be our baptism.
This is the beginning of our new life in Christ.
The Holy Spirit continually works in the life every believer. He gives us gifts that are to minister to others around us. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit manifests them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
Jesus points out to us that we are to be merciful to others just as HE has been merciful to us. We are to bandage people's wounds, pouring on oil and wine..
God loves all people everywhere and calls them to Himself and desires that they would repent. At the same time, God has created humanity with a free will whereby we choose to respond to God or not.
We must all guard against the possibility of becoming so self-centered we fail to see the needs in lives of others around us.
The age old story of the Good Samaritan still holds many truths for us today.
There are many who go to church today and they profess themselves to be christians and yet they have lost their first love. Their hearts are no longer on fire for God. They seek the things of the world.
Have you ever encountered a circumstance or harmful event filled with unhappiness and distress? This stroke of misfortune and hardship happens to all of us throughout our lives.
It is through our deepest adversity that we are able to grow and become stronger.
Jesus told us to open our eyes and look to the fields—they are gleaming white, all ready for the harvest! The reaper is already being rewarded and getting in a harvest for eternal life, so that both sower and reaper may be glad together.
As God’s picked representatives of the new humanity we are to be humble in mind. Accept life, and be most patient and tolerant with one another, always ready to forgive if you have a difference with anyone.
Let the truth of the Holy Spirit inside of you shine through you to bring salvation to the lost.
If Christ lives inside of you then you can speak with authority from God as you are moved by the Holy Spirit.
When we have revelation knowledge of who Christ is it enables us to speak to the mountains and we see them moved!
Have you ever encountered a circumstance or harmful event filled with unhappiness and distress?
Jesus told us to be on the alert for His second coming because we do not know the day or he hour of His coming.
We come to your table in a spirit of sincere humility that we may feel your Holy presence. We do this in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the Cross.
We are living in the End-Time so we must be imitators of God and follow His example.
It is through His humanity that Jesus brought all men and women to God. Because of what He suffered he is able to give us help and encouragement.
If any man or woman thirsts Jesus said let them come unto Him the source of living water and drink freely.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is part of the equipping process God provides for every believer
Jesus took stripes for your healing. This was one of things He bought for you because of His sacrifice.